🦠Corona Virus / Covid 19 Tracker Dashboard With Awesome UI + PWA + NodeJS Scraper
Tiledesk is the full-stack Open Source Live Chat with built-in Chatbots, written in Node.js and Angular. This repository is dedicated to the WebApp dashboard to manage Tiledesk: open-source alternative to Voiceflow, enabling easy creation of advanced LLM chatbots with seamless human agent handover.
😺 We created this #angular forms tutorial to help you learn everything about Angular forms validations in angular apps. These angular forms examples are updated using the best coding practices to build Angular apps with Material Design.
Echoes Player: the missing Media Player experience for Youtube - Built with Angular (9), ngrx (9), Angular CLI, Boostrap (SASS), Youtube api
Quick tutorial on how to create a Spring Boot app with Angular front end using Maven and modern front end tooling