Bootstrap styled-components

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The Complete Customizable Software Developer Portfolio Template which lets you showcase your work and provides each and every detail about you as Software Developer.

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ReactJS version of Director Responsive Admin Template Free

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A fully customizable developer portfolio website made in react with dark mode support

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Next.js 로 누구나 쉽게 만드는 Static HTML 이력서

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Personal portfolio website hosted using GitHub Pages - Version 2

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The bootstrap components made with styled-components 💅

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React Styled Components with bootstrap grid system

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A portfolio website built with react js

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TryShape is an open-source platform to create shapes of your choice using a simple, easy-to-use interface. You can create banners, circles, polygonal shapes, export them as SVG, PNG, and even as CSS.

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Simple reactjs portfolio of Motasim Foad

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Bootstrap Styled provide a chart :scroll: and common utilities for writing UI components that can be shared and maintained globally for all the :rocket: ReactJS community. It permit an ecosystem of tools, components and variables to create standardized, sharable and highly customizable front-end...

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A performant, accessible, progressive React portfolio template that uses the GitHub REST API.

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ArchitectUI React admin template is a simple yet fully customizable admin dashboard for web apps and other software.

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Postman COVID-19 API Resource Center—API collections to help in the COVID-19 fight.

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:rocket: twbs/bootstrap V4 UI Components made with bootstrap-styled. Work with css-in-js, react, styled-components, and Bootstrap Styled utilities

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A cool website template for your upcoming hackathon (used by 30+ hackathons)

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Portfolio made with reactJs for github pages. Supports light and dark theme.

default image open source components library for Dash Plotly. Contribute!

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Contrast Design Bootstrap : Elegant UI Kit and reusable components for building mobile-first, responsive websites and web apps